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Festivales Policy on Plastics                                                                                                                               


“It is predicted that by 2050 there will be more plastic (by weight) in our oceans than fish.”


The rise of sing-use plastics has resulted in a throw-away culture which unfortunately is now contaminating our water systems, threatening marine life, entering food chains, impacting wildlife and affecting human health.  We haven’t been able to match its proliferation with adequate deposal and recycling. Recycling of plastic is not keeping pace with the quantity or mix of plastic being produced; 72% of plastics are not getting recovered at all, most recyclable plastics are exported to African and Asia where it is usual practice to burn it in open air, and many recycling processes release toxic emissions into the air and soil.


Why are we acting?

Festivales is committed to creating a sustainable environment that we can enjoy for years to come.  We recognise the responsibility we have as a bar operator for the amount and type of plastic products we put across the bar. We want to make a positive change.  We have made a start by undertaking a review all the plastic items we stock. We have put plan together a plan for reducing the amount of plastic we use and where we do need to use it, making sure it is being recycled.


What are we changing and how?

Like most festival bar operators, historically we have been using clear polypropropylene pint and half pint glasses and crystal polyproprotylene wine glasses. Each cup contains 50% of post-production re-cycled plastic. The product once used can be re-cycled into non-food grade products.  Whilst these can be recycled, they are largely speaking still single-use cups which adds up to a lot of plastic waste at festivals and events!  Festivales will be phasing out these single-use cups in 2018 in favour of the reusable cup.  Depending on the event, customers can either purchase a reusable cup which we will refill throughout the course of the event and they get a keepsake of the event, or we may offer a deposit scheme, whereby you buy a reusable cup to use through the event and if you return your cup you get your money back.  Everyone’s a winner!  Whilst the single-cups are being phased out we will place “bar cups only” recycle bins in all of our bars to ensure these plastics are kept separate.


We serve over the counter PET wine bottles for festivals.  These have been very popular as they allow a party to share and enjoy wine as they do at home plus we don’t let any nasty glass get onto our beautiful green field sites. There are lower CO2 emissions in the manufacture than regular glass bottles, significantly lower CO2 used in the transport to the bottling plant and onward delivery to destination, lower weight to haul in the recycling produces, up to 24% more bottles per load to transport than glass.


“Each year in the UK we drink 3bn litres of bottled water and 10bn bottles to go to landfill”.  Have you ever been on holiday, on a beach and seen plastic?  Of course you have, and more often than not it is a plastic water bottle.  That is why, at Festivales we are no longer selling bottled water.  We invite and encourage our customers to bring their own vessels and fill up freely at our water container points on our bars.  These are filled with main water, ice and delicious fresh citruses and fruits.  Its cheaper, better for the environment and just as healthy to drink from the tap.  We hope soon to have some lovely steel reusable bottles for sale.  Steel is 100% recyclable, it does not leach, stain or react with the contents inside it, is dishwasher safe and most durable and reusable!


Festivales does not carry any plastic straws in any of its bars.  We use paper based straws which are compostable.


We will continue to review our soft drinks in line with the volume requirements at each event and where possible favour products which are dispensed into reusable cups or are in can or carton form.


Festivales has historically used laminates to advertise different cask beers.  In 2018, Festivales will move away from this in favour of hand written signs.


Carbon Footprint


Festivales is committed to sourcing local partners where it is viable to do so in order to keep our carbon footprint down.  We have established an amazing network of award-winning independent brewers and makers.




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